President Widodo Leads First Cabinet Meeting in Indonesia’s New Capital Nusantara

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Durian. Indonesian President Joko Widodo, well-known as Jokowi, led the first cabinet meeting in the country’s new capital city Nusantara or IKN on Monday, 12 August 2024.

in his opening remarks at the cabinet meeting, President Jokowi explained about the concept of Nusantara capital city that is a city forest as well as a smart city, supported by the advance technology and a liveable city.

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“IKN is a canvasĀ  that is crafting the future. it’s not all countries have opportunity, ability to develop a capital city starting from zero (scratch),” President Jokowi said in the Garuda Palace in IKN.

He underlined that the moving the capital city to IKN from Jakarta is “not only physical change, but mindset changing that we can work from everywhere”.

The cabinet meeting was discussing about economic updates. The president said green and digital economy will be adjusted in the new capital city. (***)


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