Indonesia to Start Second Batch of National Vaccination Program to Public Officers

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Durian. Aiming to prevent fast spreading of covid-19 virus, the government of Indonesia will start the second batch of national vaccination program on Feb.17, targeting public officers and those who are above 60 years old, officials said on Feb.15.

Indonesia has started its national vaccination program on Jan.13 and President Joko Widodo was first in line to receive the vaccine. The program is targeting 180 million Indonesians.

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In the second batch that is estimated to complete in May, the government expects to vaccinate 38.5 million people – 16.9 million public officers and 21.5 million of elderly people, Maxi Rein Rondonuwu, acting director general for disease control and prevention at the Indonesian Health Ministry said in Jakarta.

Teachers, legislators, police, military personnel, city police, market traders, religious leaders, fire fighters, public transportation workers, state-owned enterprises’ workers, journalists, workers in tourism sector will among those who will be vaccinated in the second batch of the national program.

Those who are survivors of the virus can be vaccinated if declared negative of covid-19 at least three months after being affected, according to Situ Nadia Tarmizi, spokesperson of national vaccination program said in Jakarta on Feb.15.

The government did not explain about the origin of the vaccine that will be used in the second batch of the program. Meanwhile, vaccine from China’s pharmaceutical Sinovac was used in the first batch of the program.

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