Indonesia Launches Integrated Healthcare System

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Durian. Indonesia begins its first integrated healthcare system on March 1 by launching an app, called “SatuSehatMobile”.

To access the app, public only need to update their previous app PeduliLindungi that was created when the Covid-19 pandemic started affected the country of more than 270 million people in 2020, aimed to trace the affected people as well as to provide treatment for them.

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According to the Health Ministry, for those who have downloaded PeduliLindungi app only need to update the app and it will be automatically switched into SatuSehatMobile app.

However the service can be so far enjoyed by those who have mobile phones with IOS system and for Android device users to be updated later.

Features such as health diary that’s aimed to monitor personal health condition, medication purchasing history and medical record are among additional features from PeduliLindungi app that are provided by SatuSehatMobile.

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