Indonesian Authorities Foil 55 Tons of Freshwater Catfish Smuggling

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Durian. Indonesian Police and the Marine Affairs and Fisheries Ministry (KKP) have foiled smuggling attempt of fillet-form of freshwater catfish or locally known as ikan patin, that potentially causes Rp2.7 billion ($183,000) of state loss.

Total volume of the fillet seized from the smugglers was almost 55 tons, according to TB Haeru Rahayu, director general for marine and fisheries resources monitoring at the Marine Affairs and Fisheries Ministry on Aug.10.

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Law enforcers have followed the movement of smugglers since July 26 based on information on suspicious illegal fishing boat activities in Pangkal Balam in Bangka Belitung province, Rahahyu explained.

“Through the cooperation between KKP and Polri [the National Police], we have caught four container vessels on Aug.7 and 8,” Rahayu said regarding illegal freshwater catfish fillet packages.

Water police unit was involved in the law enforcement act.

It is not clear on the destination for the fishery product, but the actions have violated Indonesian Fisheries Law that regulated about fishery activities which should consider fishery business climate as well as the existing of fishermen.

Those who violate the law will be fined with maximal Rp .250 million.

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