Indonesia Closed For Foreign Visitors Due to New Covid-19 Strain

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Durian. Indonesian government decided to close its entry doors for foreign visitors temporarily, starting from Jan.1-14, 2021 due to the fast spreading of a new covid-19 strain currently, Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi said in Jakarta on Dec.28.

However, government officials from foreign countries from ministerial level up will be excluded from the new regulation for official purposes.

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For foreign nationals who enter Indonesia up to Dec.31, 2020 are treated with existence health protocol which requires people from international arrival gates to perform negative result of PCR or Swab test and must be quarantine at government facilities for five days for further test to decide whether they can continue their journey or not.

‘’At this moment, news on a new strain of covid-19 virus is appeared which’s according to various scientific data it has high contagious rate…Responding to that, [the government of Indonesia] has decided to close the entry [gates] temporarily from Jan.1 to Jan.14, 2021 for foreign nationals, from all countries to Indonesia,’’ Minister Marsudi said after a cabinet meeting at the State Palace in Central Jakarta.

The current health protocol will be applied for Indonesian returnees during the restriction period.

The new strain of covid-19 virus was found in the United Kingdom this December and according to, it maybe has more than 70 percent more transmittable compared to the old variant.

Indonesia expects to start vaccination for covid-19 virus in January 2021.

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