Indonesia Sets Maluku as National Fish Barn

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Durian. The government of Indonesia will create Maluku as national fish barn due to its high marine reserves that totaling 37 percent or 4.6 million tons from total national fishing reserves of 12.5 million tons that are potential to be harvested.

Maluku waters situated in three fishing management locations – 714, 715 and 718 – that is supported by strong will of the society to use the sea for their livelihood become main factors for the province to be national fish barn, Marine and Fisheries Minister Edhy Prabowo said on Aug.31 in Ambon, Maluku.

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“Don’t let the fish barn only stay as a discourse and do not think further far to the future; just see what is existed before us now. We have Tual, Dobo, Benjina, Ambon,” he said referring to several fish reserves locations in Maluku.

Not only for fishing activities but the province should ensure further chain which to make processed products and ready to be exported or for domestic market.

For export purpose, Minister Prabowo urged related government institutions to speed export permit through close cooperation.

Maluku has huge tuna, locally know as cakalang, reserves and other marine resources.

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